The latest project from Spank Rock emcee Naeem called Mobroder. A clear ode to electronic pioneer Giorgio Moroder, the video for “Rush” — the Nile Delta Remix — was directed by Francisco Soriano and Antoine Wagner for the Scion Audio/Visual project. Ya can’t possibly hate on any video featuring a gold 6.6L 1979 Pontiac Transam… […]
Mobroder "Rush" (Nile Delta Remix) Video
What ever it is that I’m feeling over here, I love what she’s doing
I just came across Nadine Byrne’s website and got lost for a while. She has this whole mystic, otherworldliness thing going on and it’s a little creepy and a bit of a turn on at the same time. What ever it is that I’m feeling over here, I love what she’s doing. The wearable textile […]