Everyone’s favorite insane rapper/NYU lecturer/Kevin Durant scourge/non-sequitur philosopher Lil B dropped a new mixtape titled Hoop Life this weekend. Perhaps you heard of the Twitter War he’s been waging with Kevin Durant? Well who’s to say the Bay Area rapper hasn’t applied his voodoo to the Oklahoma City Thunder, who went down in the last […]

29 Oct
20 stream-of-consciousness raps from Berkeley's BasedGod

The Bay Area’s resident babble rapper Lil B returns with his latest mixtape, an ode to the upcoming Halloween holiday. Titled the Holloween H20 mixtape, it’s unknown if Lil B purposely misspelled the title or if he’s got a really baked graphic designer. The mixtape features 20 tracks of Lil B rapping stream of consciousness […]

Today two of the best of the new wave of hip-hop artists dropped mixtapes — Lil B and Theophilus London. Among the top in the fresh crop of Twitter Rappers, the two albums include the Bay Area’s Lil B, aka Based God, who has compiled all his freestyle raps into one expansive encyclopedia of stream-of-consciousness babble […]

8 Mar
Latest 34-track promo from Berkeley, California's Based God

The Bay Area’s Lil B has been steadily making a name for himself with self-promoted tracks and self-produced videos, leading the charge of Social Media Rappers. His latest mixtape, God’s Father, drops today — 34 tracks of Lil B’s “Based god”-oriented raps and stream of consciousness flows. Give it a listen below, and if you […]

10 Jun
Sticking tinfoil on your wheels in Oaktown

If you’re unaware of Scraper Bikes, it’s basically a homegrown scene in the Bay Area/Oakland where kids modify the hell outta their bikes. The most fundamental mod is to affix tin foil to the wheels so they look like chromed out car rims, as well as copious spray painting and other alterations. While sometimes mocked […]