We’ve taken a video tour of John Lautner’s Sheats Goldstein Residence before, one of Los Angeles most famous and iconic architectural gems, but I think Wildfox Swimwear’s 2013 campaign makes a much more powerful aesthetic argument as to why it’s so special. Shot by erstwhile party photographer Mark “The Cobrasnake” Hunter, the campaign keeps it […]
Remember that “Skate Moss” Skateboard Deck project we talked about last month? Well someone has decided to take Jeff Gaudinet’s brilliant idea and translate the meme to current swimwear supermodel champ/Terry Richardson muse Kate Upton, resulting in the aptly named Skate Upton. Launched by Jason Yim, Edsel Dilag and Chris Vilchez, we kind of have to […]
Kate Upton is like the Samuel Jackson of modeling — chick is everywhere; seems like you can’t swing a dead cat without seeing her pop up somewhere smiling in a bathing suit. But really, who’s complaining? After nailing the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue this year it’s been a non-stop cavalcade for the […]
The eternally elegant Coco Chanel once remarked, “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” This central idea that fashion is not merely a random assortment of trends, styles and clothes — but […]
It sure does seem like Kate Upton’s been everywhere lately, whether it’s Taking It (Mostly) All Off For Esquire, or Running Around In a Bikini Doing Stuff, the 19-year old blond bombshell seems to be unstoppable ever since her eyebrow-raising cover for Sports Illustrated‘s Swimsuit Issue. This time she’s taking it all off for another […]
Last Friday we brought you Kate Upton Taking It (Mostly) All Off For Esquire, and needless to say it was quite popular with readers. What can we say, we have a truly discerning, intelligent base. The girl seems to be everywhere after knocking down the cover of Sports Illustrated‘s Swimsuit Issue, even getting a cameo […]
Yes it’s January. Yes, it’s cold out — colder than the icey stare of Rick Santorum’s soulless eyes. But you’re in luck — there’s some heat coming your way. And it’s coming in the form of Victoria’s Secret‘s 2012 Swimsuit Collection. Featuring the likes of models Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel, Lily Aldridge, Edita Vilkevi?iut and […]
Why is this my favorite time of the year, you ask? Because it’s the only time we’re not inextricably tied to the insatiable whore known as the Blogosphere. See, most of you go home and your work day is done — you play with the kids, log onto Battlefield 3 on your Xbox or just […]