29 Sep
Dirt Nasty & Jack Splash return with more tales of innocence

Who didn’t enjoy the pure, childlike comedy behind the Chain Swangaz last three videos? It was like peering deep into the eyes of a newborn doe, glistening in its afterbirth, and experiencing a sort of Eden-esque innocence for which there are no words. “Steak & Mash Potatoes” set the tone for rapper Dirt Nasty and […]

4 Aug
80's dance-offs, Human League twisted & more Another Earth

A 3-pack of brand new videos for your thursday afternoon, started off with Mayer Hawthorne’s “A Long Time”. The clip is the first video for Hawthorne’s upcoming album How Do You Do (Universal), with clips edited from VHS tapes of an old 80’s Detroit public access dance show. Next up comes the incorrigible Chain Swangaz […]

What do you get when you mix Charlie Sheen + Dirt Nasty + Brother Marquis from 2 Live Crew? Why, Chain Swangaz of course. The musical project made up of rapper Dirt Nasty — he of “1980” fame — and Grammy award winning producer Jack Splash release their first video, and it is exactly what […]