Just can’t make up your mind on what kind of seating arrangements are best for you? Well there’s no need for fretting my friend. Karolina Tylka and Szymon Nawój have collaborated with BEYOND Standards to create this morphing coffee bench. What exactly is a coffee bench, you ask? Well it’s a movable bench consisting of […]
The idea behind the Wire Frame Chair is incredibly simple — craft a steel frame of a chair, and leave it empty so the buyer can fill it with whatever material he likes. Magazines and books make an interesting aesthetic choice, but I think the stuffed animals would most certainly be the more comfortable option. […]
Some ideas are so basic they seem to be simplistically intuitive. Everyone loves the alphabet — hell we sing it to our drooling, pooping rug monkeys every chance we get — and everyone loves sitting their lazy ass down. It’s just common science. So what would happen if you combined the two great Western loves…? […]
These beautiful designer chairs depicted above are deceiving. They may be less suitable for your kitchen, and more suitable for your daughter’s Barbie kitchen. Each chair is a 1/12 scale model created to make these infinitely collectible items more accessible to a design fan on a more limited budget. The design of each chair focuses […]
A design borrowed from the Ayoreo Indians of Northern Paraguay, Chairless allows you sit…well…chairless. It’s essentially a belt that sits down on your knees and around your back, giving you support while sitting *ahem* Indian style. Portions of the money made from Chairless sales will go to the Foundation for Paraguayan Indian Communities.
Dieter Rams has spent more than 40 years working at Braun, and has established himself as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century. His elegantly clear visual language not only defined product design for decades, but also our fundamental understanding of what design is and what it can and should do. Dieter […]
Finally, a folding chair that is sturdy enough for sitting and compact enough to fit in your wallet, if your wallet were as big as you. The Sheet Seat is crafted out of a single sheet of plywood and is less than an inch thick when folded. Great, now we’ll have so much more room […]