Wow, if the quality of any Conan movie is based on how much blood is shed, then the new re-boot of Conan the Barbarian certainly looks like it has a chance. Everyone was a bit iffy on the decision to cast Jason Momoa as Conan — Arnie’s are big shoes to fill — but after […]
The first gore-filled scene from the Conan re-boot
"Enforce The Law" music video
After harnessing the power of the Dude while getting his Big Lebowski on, Asher Roth & Nottz decide to set their sites on Denzel and Ethan Hawke, and pull off their own personal Training Day. King Kong ain’t got shit on “Enforce The Law”… wonder what’s next in line? Conan the Barbarian…?
"And to hear the lamentations of the women..."
No, it’s not as funny as watching Arnold Schwarzenegger molesting his way around Rio de Janeiro, but humorous enough to brighten your day. Sure sexual battery is tough to beat in the hilarity scale, but the idea of Conan the Barbarian: The Musical makes my work week better. “And to hear the lamentations of the […]