12 Dec
From Japanese art to the appreciation of well shaped derrières

The second installment of our Best Of 2011 retrospective series focuses on the Top 10 Books of 2011, including photo-heavy coffee table books, research tomes and literature. From the history of menswear staples to Japanese art to modernist architecture to the appreciation of the well shaped derrière, there were a multitude of books published covering […]

Following in the footsteps of Taschen’s Big Butt Book, the hefty coffeetable book Culo by Mazzucco is a 248 page homage to the female derrière. Photographed by Raphael Mazzucco (known mostly for his work with Sports Illustrated‘s swimsuit issues), Culo features over 200 photographs of naked behinds both famous and not-so famous, featuring the likes […]

28 Jun
Taschen gets in on the badonkadonk action

It appears that high-end design/coffeetable book publisher Taschen has decided to go the route of King magazine and collect a compendium dedicated to the female rump. The Big Butt Book is the fourth installment of editor Dian Hanson’s critically acclaimed body parts series (following editions dedicated to breasts, penises and legs), and features over 400 […]