Next week we’ll be heading north to San Francisco to usher in the global launch of Lexus’ all-new 2013 LS flagship sedan at a private exhibit curated by masterful aesthetes Jonathan Adler and Simon Doonan. The event will feature an exhibition by some of the world’s rising photojournalists who, as Lexus says, “artfully capture the […]

17 Nov
The History of Modern Art chronicled in Taschen's new hardcover

From Impressionism to Contemporary Art, Taschen’s new book Modern Art 1870-2000 – Impressionism to Today is an impressive collection that looks into the origin and extensive history of Modern Art. The book is comprehensive and breathtaking in its scope — an expected accomplishment given Taschen’s impressive catalog — and covers all the major Modern Art […]

14 May
Playboy Legacy Collection at Art & Artifact Gallery in Los Angeles

Photographs like that above always make me wonder: Is there such a thing as universal sexual appeal? What I mean is, I’m pretty sure every heterosexual male who sees the above photo gets a special stirring of the loins, even if they’re 95 and haven’t felt a stirring since the Reagan era. And I’ll pretty […]

22 Jan
The inexplicable beauty of hideous monsters

When I first saw Joshua Ben Longo’s creations I knew I’d stumbled across a little bit of pixie dust. I can’t totally explain it, but his monstrous creations just resonate with me from a distant place reserved for childhood wonders — stuff like comic books, monsters both repulsive and whimsical, sci-fi flicks and, yes, stuffed […]