I first recognized Tara McPherson a few years ago sitting at her booth at Comic Con — it was insane. The line to meet her and have art signed wrapped around 2 other booths and basically shamed the couple other artists with signings at the time. I realized then that McPherson has the sort of […]
LIAS sits down with one of America's top pop culture illustrators
Eric Powell's cult comic makes the leap to the silver screen
It’s too early to call quality on this one, but seeing as The Goon is produced by David Fincher odds are stacked in its favor. Not only is the animation pretty remarkable, but its also very loyal visually to the original material. Based on Eric Powell’s 1999 cult comic from Dark Horse, The Goon follows […]
If you read Lost In A Supermarket this past week, you’d think we’re a damn comic book movie website. Sorry about that. But in a year seeing the best films coming out of the Marvel, Dark Horse and DC archives, it’s kinda hard to ignore this trend. (Btw, what the hell’s happened to Hollywood? Can […]