17 Jun
Another Scorsese tale of criminal rags to riches ascension

The trailer for Martin Scorcese’s latest opus was just released, and it seems to hit all the touchpoints of a typical epic Scorsesian plotline. A rags to riches thug-life story shot not through the lens of organized crime but rather Wall Street (wait, is that the same thing actually?), The Wolf Of Wall Street tells […]

Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is, in a single word, brutal. Unflinchingly, gorily, misanthropically, even gleefully brutal, to a point that a couple scenes were so ruthless they will churn your guts. Now I survived Irreversible, so that’s saying a lot. This observation is neither a complaint nor praise, but rather a (obvious?) comment on a […]

11 Oct
The master of the Pursuit of Vengeance movie returns

We posted the trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained when it came out last June, and needless to say it had us already primed and ready for its release. Like we said, Tarantino is the uncontested World Champion of Pursuit of Vengeance movies and certainly Django Unchained fits the billing. Today a second trailer dropped, and […]

7 Jun
The Pursuit of Vengeance lifted to an immaculate art form...

Is there anybody — and I mean anybody — on this God’s green Earth that better manifests a Pursuit of Vengeance flick better than the great Quentin Tarantino? Unleashing a slave seeking revenge, and freedom, on a bunch of plantation owners seems like such a Tarantino no-brainer that in hindsight it’s shocking he hasn’t done […]

13 Dec
Entire film layered in 4 minutes

In tribute to Inception re-emerging as one of the interweb’s overwhelming Memes of the Year (have you heard — it’s out on DVD!), a fellow named Weikang assembled the various levels of inceptions into one “real time” video, thereby distilling the entire film into the 4 minutes of which it actually took place.

Now that Inception — arguably the biggest Internet Meme Hit since LOLcats — has hit the DVD market you can watch and re-watch and re-watch the Christopher Nolan film until your eyes dry up into tiny raisins and you’re so sleep deprived that you actually think you’ve finally figured it out (you haven’t). But as […]