10 Sep
Ninja & Yo-Landi offer up their acapella for the free remix

South Africa’s finest return with their latest video, a quick clip of the duo rapping over Mims’ “This Is Why I’m Hot” beat. Ninja and Yo-Landi Vi$$er are offering up the acapella of the track over at their website to let bedroom producers make up their own remix. If you think you gots the skills, give […]

New York native, quintessential loudmouth, Iggy Azalea disser, rapidfire spitter, Twitter Hater and talented up-and-coming hip hop artist Azealia Banks had a busy week, premiering a video for her track “Liquorice”, which was directed by British fashion photographer Rankin (he of Dazed & Confused fame), and styled by Nicola Formichetti (fashion director and editor, also […]

29 Jul
Disrupting the dismal dissemination of fashion discourse

DIS magazine traveled to sunny Venice Beach, Echo Park and other hipster-swarmed Los Angeles locales to see what fashion trends were hot on the street. Except like a very disoriented and confused Bruno, DIS only seemed to run into completely fabricated trends — such as velcro and suction cup accessories to keep your wallet on […]