4 Dec
Design Los Angeles selects the Nissan V2G as the winner of this year's Design Challenge

Entering its fifth year, Design Los Angeles’ Design Challenge has evolved into one of the more interesting aspects of the annual Los Angeles Auto Show (LAAS). Every year they challenge design studios to create a vehicle for a specific market – past Challenges have included predicting what Motor Sports would look like in 2025, or […]

14 Nov
Opening TONIGHT and running till May 3rd, come see the most expansive exhibition in MOCA's history

At first glance it seems fairly overwhelming  when considering the works that MOCA has collected and assembled over the last 30 years. And tonight they open a retrospective exhibition, proudly boasting one of the most expansive and influential Post-War collections in the world including Jasper Johns, Willem De Kooning, Jackson Pollack, Alberto Giacometti, Franz Kline, […]