Subtext Gallery in San Diego is hosting artist Tim Maclean’s first solo show, Fragments & Phantoms, which opened July 14 during Comic Con. The timing makes sense given Maclean’s work plays on fantasy’s invasion of the real world, much like Comic Con itself. Fantasy stems from the mental realm, or as Maclean says, “the place where […]
Tim Maclean "Fragments & Phantoms" exhibit at Subtext Gallery
Société Horlogère Reconvilier unveils the Hercules Golf Master
So cheating and golf have been in the news a bit recently, but I’m not sure if this qualifies. Swiss watch manufacturer SHR (Société Horlogère Reconvilier) introduced the Hercules Golf Master, a GPS-enabled wristwatch that automatically calculates the distance to the golf course flags using up-to-date and high precision technology. Of course given it’s a […]