10 Jan
New York bag maker releases three new styles for 2013

Designed for the Tourettes-afflicted consumer, Sprayground bags offer a solution for those who carry their lives in their backpacks. Their recently launched Holidaze Collection features Rogue Deluxe backpacks and Weekender duffel bags, each of which come in three new styles for 2013: the Wild, the Have a Nice Day (featured above) and the High Life. The backpacks offer […]

Have you ever found yourself in a formal situation, surrounded by people who probably wouldn’t be too impresesed by your infamous “crack open a beer with my teeth” manuever? Well, we know exactly how you feel, that’s why we’re bringing you the Bottle Opener Cufflinks. These cufflinks are not only capable of keeping your buzz […]

4 Feb
Wear your addictions proudly

Now I’m the last person to judge anyone for their vices, lord knows that. But when Cast of Vices declare their collection of jewelry “casts a critical eye on pop culture and our obsession with self-medication and addiction,” I kinda have to call bullshit on that. I mean, who’s gonna wear a silver Miller High […]