3 Dec
Battelle's Tactical Air Initiated Launch System simply a must-have

Have you ever wanted to scale your neighbor’s house, just to get that jerk real good? I know he thinks he’s a big shot cos he has that glowing Santa Claus and Rudolph up there, but that’s nothing that a handful of M80 fireworks can’t fix real quick. Or maybe you suspect him of being a werewolf, and want to establish a position of tactical superiority. Or perhaps you want to use it to break into an animal testing facility and free some monkeys — who am I to tell you how to spend your free time? Long story short, there will always be times in life that you’ll need a Pneumatic Grappling Hook, and lucky for you Battelle is here with their Tactical Air Initiated Launch System. Utilizing compressed air (which you can load from a scuba tank), the T.A.I.L.S. gun fires a titanium grappling hook with attached Kevlar line up to 100 feet high and 60 feet away — that’s 10 stories of building climbing action. And since it’s compressed air, there won’t be any explosive charge to let security know you’re in the vicinity. The system weighs about 20 pounds and will shoot one single shot per charge (the Kevlar line and hook must be reset between shots), with one tank fueling about 17 shots. “The system as described was developed for a specific Special Operations mission, and this version is currently not available to non government agencies,” explains the Battelle representative. “However, the system is scalable and can be customized to meet a wide range of operational needs. So, yes, it is for sale under certain circumstances and the cost can range from $8,000-$15,000 depending on a lot of different factors such as specific use, quantity, etc.” Hmmmmm…under “certain circumstances” you say? Too bad I have other needs for $15K, otherwise that smart ass Kevin who runs my HOA would be enjoying a very explosive Xmas eve…

More pics of Battelle’s Tactical Air Initiated Launch System charging and in use after the Jump…

No Responses to “Pneumatic Grappling Hook For the Aspiring Ninja-Prankster-Werewolf Hunter”

  1. Rob Elliott says:

    where can i purchase this air grapple.i want to use it to get climbing ropes over high branches.how much

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