I should begin this by telling you that the iWatch is not a soon to be on the market product, so you can stop salivating now. The iWatch is merely a new concept from the Italian design firm ADR Studio. The watch itself fits in perfectly alongside its many other hi-tech apple products — in […]
The nagging problem with iPhone cases is the balancing act between protecting your iPhone and making it easily accessible (ie pulling it out of your skinny jean pockets). Normally a case either has a thin profile with sticky rubbery exterior that can make taking it out of your pocket annoying, or you get a slick […]
Leaders of the Pixel Art movement, Berlin’s eBoy collective constantly impress with their design work (remember their Amnesty poster?). Even tho their art is pixel-based and inherently digital, ironically most of their work is enjoyed traditionally printed on posters, bags, books, skins, ads, etc. Well now that’s about to change as the eBoys dump their […]
Expect the Battle of Software Gargantuans between Google and Apple to only heat up in the future as the market gets more and more tight (throw Microsoft’s hairy beast into that equation as well). As revolutionary as Apple’s touchscreen technology was and is to the handheld market, that doesn’t mean they’ll be kings forever. Google […]
There are few things more enjoyable then a quality novelty item; the “iRetrofone” Base is handcrafted one by one and is 100% functional. Similar to that iPhone Desk Dock, the iRetrofone base is a refreshingly vintage accessory for the ultra-high-tech gadget, but I think its best selling point is that you can effectively “avoid radiation” […]
It’s cool to see someone take something so high-tech and fundamentally futurist as iPhone Apps and transform them into something as intrinsically primitive as magnets. Jailbreak Collective’s App Magnets are a simple and humorous take on the breathless App-obsessed world we live in (although, truth be told, I did just download the priceless Coachella App…shocker), […]
The iCade is the newest craze for the iPad phenomenon, having a much greater transformative power than say Interview or GQ magazine joining the Apple game. As ThinkGeek explains, “To use the iCade, gently slide the iPad into the docking cradle. The docking cradle uses a standard 30 pin connector to link the iPad to […]
The iPad meme has evolved from distant rumor to growing buzz to unveiling to long-winded promises, but so far has yet to materialize anything substantial. Yes, it has been anointed as the savior of the publishing world — and huge publishers like Hearst, Condé Nast, Time Inc and the New York Times are praying the […]