2 Aug
Freedom of Creation's simple neck-tie gets a little more complex

When one thinks of the bolo-tie, what comes to mind is an easy-to-make piece of jewelry you made for your dad with Christmas Tree ornaments, dry macaroni and Elmer’s paste. In other words, something you made when you were a spaz in Kindergarten. However this Bolo-Tie designed by Lionel Dean, revealing the artist’s love for […]

A motorcycle jacket by Alexander McQueen, except for the fact that it’s not actually usable for any riding purposes whatsoever. Well, maybe a Vespa but even that’s cutting it close. The jacket is made of 100% cotton, which makes it 100% useless when riding a motorcycle, but arguably 100% ironic. Designed with distressed hemlines, epaulets […]

12 Aug
Ironic, or just really expendable...?

I’m pretty much a girlie girl. I pretend to be tough, but the closest I’ve ever gotten to a fight was when a chick in seventh grade gym class made fun of my friend Sophia De La Torre, so I pointed my shaking finger in her face and said, in my best pretend badass voice, […]

11 Feb
Up recycling bottle caps into fine jewelry

Yoav Kotik designs his Kotik Precious Metal collection of earrings, brooches, rings, bracelets, necklaces and pendents from discarded bottle caps. Although they’re called “Precious Metals”, I’m not sure I see any actual precious metals — unless he’s being ironic, of course. Absorbing the pop iconography of these brands and their well marketed images — eg […]

4 Feb
Wear your addictions proudly

Now I’m the last person to judge anyone for their vices, lord knows that. But when Cast of Vices declare their collection of jewelry “casts a critical eye on pop culture and our obsession with self-medication and addiction,” I kinda have to call bullshit on that. I mean, who’s gonna wear a silver Miller High […]