23 Feb
Dynamic Innovations' carbon fiber briefcases

Have $15,000 to spare? Then you too can have a briefcase custom made to match your stock 1997 Nissan 200SX. Industrial designer Beau Reid has a great concept for the everyman, customizing carbon fiber briefcases with fine leather and paints to match one’s supercar. Do you love your 1976 Volkswagen Beetle? Can’t live without your […]

23 Feb
Inflate your Furniture

Reminiscent of a bean bag chair, the greatest thing about the Blow Sofa is that you can take it anywhere, hassle free. The only problem I have with it is that there are no armrests. At least with a bean bag chair you can sink in enough to have a place for your forearms to […]

22 Feb
The Boxetti Modular Furniture Collection

Maximizing the usability of your living space is the difference between having a supreme party pad or a cluttered flop house. The space-saving, modular furniture collection from Boxetti is easy on the eyes but heavy on the man-purse. The bedroom piece, for example, is priced at just over $10,600 (8000 Euros). This is maximum price […]

19 Feb
Read a book, shape a statement

Finally, a bookshelf that casts a cacophonous tempest of alphabet soup upon the tender pages of your literary collection. It also holds your books. Make a statement with the Between Lines book shelf — shape a statement — because the rubber-coated steel tendrils can be coaxed into an infinite different number of positions.

15 Feb
Because there's no time to waste

So, here’s the thing about the Japanese…they strive for efficiency. To be Japanese is to work hard and waste no time doing so. For that reason, I’m not shocked to see a product like the Stand Umbrella come out of the land of the rising sun. What can be more efficient than than an umbrella […]

The Minuturner alarm clock from Antrepo features a sleek design with an old radio dial face, minus the radio. Much like this review, it is minimalism at its minimal-est. How appropriate.

10 Feb
Assemble it yourself, learn a thing or two

You don’t have to be a tween to be able to assemble one of these, but it might help. Sponsored in part by Google, the BigShot project was put together by Columbia University grad students as a method of teaching science and engineering concepts to children. It’s just like academia to try and teach someone […]

9 Feb
A brief look into the Russian criminal subculture

The nation of Russia has undergone dramatic transformations in the past decade, and those metamorphoses have been starkly reflected in its infamous prisons. Home to the second highest prison population per capita in the world (after only USA, who also claims the dubious title of most overall prisoners), the Russian penal system is a sprawling, […]