28 Feb
Harriet Worsley scores the connection between society & fashion

The eternally elegant Coco Chanel once remarked, “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” This central idea that fashion is not merely a random assortment of trends, styles and clothes — but […]

3 Nov
Lady Gaga, Ridley Scott, Ed Ruscha, Karl Lagerfeld & more

We’ve kept up with Visionaire’s always unique interpretations of the word “magazine” — sometimes its a vinyl album, sometimes it’s a tshirt, sometimes it’s an electric calender with 365 different curated images (such as in Issue 57 ), and sometimes it’s a clever tribute to Alexander McQueen (Issue 58) — but it’s almost always inventive. […]

25 Jul
Musicians the world over say goodbye in their own way

Of all the tributes to the late Ms. Winehouse coming out, Rolling Stone has compiled a comprehensive litany of musicians farflung who have paid tiny tributes this past weekend following her passing. The list of farflung musicians includes everybody from Tony Bennett, The Who and Mark Ronson to Lady Gaga, Rick Ross and Sebastian Bach. […]

26 May
Fighting back and fitting in is important. Or is it?

Geeks. Nerds. Freaks. Freaks & Geeks. Simply put: They aren’t popular. We all know that. But does it matter? Or better put, is that necessarily a bad thing? Not according to reporter Alexandra Robbins, who argues that people who are interested in math, science and technology are the future of our nation (bonus points for […]

Known for engineering and producing for dudes like the M.I.A., Chemical Brothers, Diplo, The Freestylers, Roll Deep, Wiley, Lady Sovereign and most notably Deekline — he of Deekline & Wizard fame — the man known simply as Wizard has unleashed a minimix of most megamix robustness. Featuring a mindboggling 205 tracks in 10 minutes, Wizard’s […]

Does anyone even remember Arkanoid? I sure do. Buy one of these, invite me over, and watch me annihilate you. I’ll bring  a 12 pack of Schlitz just to make you feel better, that way we can truly enjoy these modern revisions of the classic arcade game table. Who needs a new end table made […]

Renowned photographer Michel Comte’s brings his world famous images to the Leica Gallery in Prague for the limited run Not Only Women exhibit. With a career spanning 3 decades, the Swiss-born Comte has had the luck of shooting many of the most beautiful women on Earth, building a gallery of actresses, filmmakers, political personalities, supermodels […]

2 Dec
Travel belt with hidden pocket for all your illicit needs

Do you ever carry with you anything that you don’t want found? While ostensibly created as a hidden money pocket for those who fear pick pockets in foreign territory, the reality is that many could use this belt almost anywhere in the world — even in California, where certain “items” are legal for medicinal purposes, […]