27 Jan
Docu-series profiles Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick & the trailblazers of the Sci-Fi universe

A recent edition to the ZZZFROMHELLZZZ channel on Youtube are three hour-long documentaries related to Science Fiction. The first, Profits of Science Fiction: Arthur C. Clarke, centers on Sci-Fi visionary Sir Arthur C. Clark, the revered science fiction writer responsible for some of the most iconic stories of the genre. The landmark novel 2001: A […]

24 Sep
Observations of recessions

Thanks to our girl Marianne Renoir, who did her work on time but suffered cos we were late (or rather, Lost). No worries, her upcoming reviews for Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks will run on time! We promise Renoir! Fashion Week in NY the past week was, in my opinion, a bit disappointing. While it’s […]

8 May
Spock vs Siler, and the cold heart of JJ Abrams

UPDATE: This was originally posted on Thursday night, but since Star Trek is red hot ($76 mill!) we’re gonna keep it up top for a bit… Star Trek opens tonight at midnight, and promises to elevate Zachary Quinto from geekdom hero to…well…geekdom superhero, I suppose. I’m sure playing the über-evil Siler on Heroes probably had […]