If you’re ready to take your living room on a luxury jungle safari, Maximo Riera has the sofa for you. Sure you could sit your ass down on a Space Invader, game of Tetris, the alphabet or even another Riera-created animal, a beetle. But they won’t be nearly as imposing as the animal playfully dubbed the African Water Horse. Measuring 55″x 297″ and […]
Another beastly Maximo Riera-designed animal sofa
Modular Seating system by Studio Lawrence
While we’ve invited you to sit your ass down on a Space Invader, a Giant Rubiks Cube, a Twizzler and some Hay, perhaps it’s time to consider a Tetris-like seating arrangement for your derriere. Studio Lawrence‘s “To Gather” seating arrangements by designers Patrick de Louwere and Bart Eijking, premiered at the London Design Festival, are engineered […]