After riling up fans and completely selling out every exclusive, one-night-only showing in North America of the their documentary Shut Up and Play the Hits (which we previewed here), LCD Soundsystem’s documentary can now be rented ($5) or purchased exclusively via iTunes for $12.99. Fit for diehard LCD Soundsystem fans and newcomers alike, “Shut Up and Play […]

The moment we’ve all been waiting for: Shut Up & Play the Hits is in theaters… but only on July 18th!? C’mon, man! I guess we’ll take what we can get. In case you need a refresher, Shut Up & Play the Hits (previewed by us HERE) documents the final days of LCD Soundsystem’s career […]

Capitalism saw its true boom in America from the 1950’s into the 1960’s. Advertising gained importance in design, presentation and overall execution, demographics would be specified and targeted, and the phrase “always be closing” would ring in the ears of business men across the states. TASCHEN America’s own Executive Editor Jim Heimann and contributing author […]

As everyone knows, LCD Soundsystem puppetmaster James Murphy decided to shut the band down last year, and announced a concert at Madison Square Garden on April 2nd, 2011 to act as their swan song. It was an incredibly bold move — rarely does a band break up at the peak of their popularity. Well it […]

12 Jul
The latest video from "Angles" LP

The Strokes return with “Taken For A Fool”, the latest alternate reality video from their Angles LP. The Strokes also played a version of the track with Elvis Costello when the band played Madison Square Garden in April, and that version will be included as a B-Side for the official single. “Taken For A Fool” […]

12 Feb
Born Of Hope brings hope to poor filmmakers worldwide

This is borderline amazing — according to the Daily Mail, a British woman named Kate Madison was so inspired by Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy that she decided to film her own prequel…for $40,000. She invested $13,000 of her savings, made a trailer, and raised the rest to film Born Of Hope. Everyone […]

5 Oct
Pete Campbell from Mad Men discusses the genius of Mitch Hedberg, the biology of monogamy, life with Jon Hamm and why he takes the bus everywhere in LA…

This is PART TWO of Lost In A Supermarket’s interview with Vincent Kartheiser of AMC’s Mad Men (click HERE to read PART ONE). Unlike PART ONE of the interview, which was pretty heavy on the Mad Men geekness, this one’s a much more personal look at Kartheiser himself. Hit the Jump to read him discuss […]

1 Oct
Pete Campbell from Mad Men talks about the absurdity of morality, the death of the American Dream, and being part of the Best Show on TV...

You recognize Vincent Kartheiser as Peter Campbell, the utterly obsequious and calculating account executive at Sterling Cooper. You know, that fictional Madison Avenue advertising agency on the much talked about AMC series Mad Men. I didn’t say “much hyped” because hype requires that the product or vehicle receiving the accolades does not deserve them, which […]