26 Oct
Taschen reprints their best-selling book of all time — about arguably the greatest mind of all time

The great Leonardo da Vinci has inestimable traces of his influence within endless realms of artistic and scientific institutions. The Italian archetype of the Renaissance man was not only a painter but a sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist, inventor, musician, botanist, geologist, cartographer, anatomist and writer. He could easily be God. Thus, it’s no surprise that […]

One of the first things I had to do when arriving in Barcelona was to contact local artist extraordinaire Uri and bug him to take me by his freshly opened exhibition Lo Ultimo en Pop Art at the very posh N2 Galeria. Meeting up with Uri is always the highlight of my trip — you’re […]

Just because you’re from OC doesn’t mean you’re automatically a turd. I know, i know… it goes against all logic and sounds like crazy talk. Maybe it is? Perhaps Triumvir is just an exception to the rule? There’s always a few of those that deviate from the norm and pour a bucket of hater-aid on […]