OH my god, I just pooped my pants when I read the headline to this video. Do you have any idea how long I’ve wished to be a fly on the wall in The Simpsons writers room during its halcyon Conan O’Brien years? You know, when they were penning the monorail song, and sending Homer […]

15 Mar
Humility and humor in the face of defeat

An animated typography interpretation of Conan O’Brien’s farewell address on his last day at NBC. Wow, truly bad ass. I’ve been with Team Coco since Day One (anyone who wrote the “Monorail Song” on The Simpsons has my eternal respect), and his humility and humor in the face of such a stunning career blow only […]

24 Jul
The human-powered monorail. Why?

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXl3uK9hTWU&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] This Kiwi Jeffrey Barnett invented a human powered monorail. Didn’t these guys invent bungee jumping?? What the hell’s wrong with that country — I’m starting to think everyone really is as spun out as Flight of the Conchords…either that or they’ve been listening to Lyle Lanley too long… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC56hnyiP_s&feature=PlayList&p=8BAEDF361B045692&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=9[/youtube] PS: the above episode was […]