6 Jan
The bruising sequel to Gareth Evans' unexpected 2011 action hit

The sequel to Gareth Evans’ spectacular (and most unexpected) 2011 action flick The Raid: Redemption has been released, and while it takes a dramatic look there’s still plenty of action promised. The Raid 2: Berandal takes place after the events of the first film, with protagonist Rama going deep, deep, deep undercover… as if there were […]

Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is, in a single word, brutal. Unflinchingly, gorily, misanthropically, even gleefully brutal, to a point that a couple scenes were so ruthless they will churn your guts. Now I survived Irreversible, so that’s saying a lot. This observation is neither a complaint nor praise, but rather a (obvious?) comment on a […]

As far as skateboarders go, you just don’t get more Rock Star than Christian Hosoi. The man was/is a legend, dwarfing all other 80s skaters with the possible exception of Tony Alva. But of course, there was a life beyond the Thrasher covers; we watch celebrities rise and fall constantly and at times, consistently. We see […]

22 Jul
A Sundance award-winning allegory of loss and redemption

Fox Searchlight’s Another Earth is directed by Mike Cahill and opens today, Friday July 22nd in Los Angeles and New York City, and on July 28th nationwide. Madman Mundt Another Earth is the type of film where you have to get the premise out of the way immediately, as it requires a temporary suspension of […]