15 Aug
Zach Snyder returns with Frank Miller-less sequel

Since it’s Zach Snyder behind this it’s sure to look mighty pretty, just like the first 300. Problem with Snyder is when he uses source materials — as in 300 and Watchmen — the guy is pretty much unstoppable. But when he writes the screenplay himself — as in Sucker Punch (which we reviewed HERE) […]

9 Sep
Rodrigo Piza Levy's "Ocupado" Video

From Rodrigo Piza Levy, the filmmaker who taught us How to Paint a Giant Red Graffiti Elephant in under 2 minutes, comes the Ocupado video. Again employing the time-lapse video format, Ocupado shows Levy painting a large mural in a once-empty housing complex that had been taken over and squatted by some 120 families in […]

I really like this piece by Sao Paolo street artist Treco, and the time-lapse video by director Rodrigo Piza Levy of him creating it. I wonder what went wrong with the original trunk, why’d he have to change it? I suppose it’s something I’ll never know… DEU TRECO from rodrigo piza levy on Vimeo.