25 Feb
Alan Moore is either really stoked or totally livid right now

If you’ve ever wanted to know what Alan Moore dreams about when he eats too much breakfast cereal, slips into a sugar-induced coma watching TV and passes out in his underpants, well, now you know. SpongeMen SquareWatch is is the Watchmen trailer encoded through the underwater world Spongebob Squarepants, where the latter plays Rorschach — everyone’s favorite […]

Some good points on both sides. I’d have to lean with Marvel over DC anyday…

I haven’t been this excited by a comic-based trailer since, well, Punisher. “Yeah, that was last week,” you’re saying. So what, guy? What am I supposed to do? A possibly good Punisher, AND arguably the greatest graphic novel of all time both being trailered in the same week? These are great days, my friends…great days! […]