Last night the 2012 FIA Formula 1 Championship Series came to an official close with the FIA Prize-Giving Gala in Istanbul, where the F1 Champions were presented their hard-earned trophies. While much of the world watched enthralled as the season’s drama played out, America was only rekindling its love affair with the second most popular […]
From Rodrigo Piza Levy, the filmmaker who taught us How to Paint a Giant Red Graffiti Elephant in under 2 minutes, comes the Ocupado video. Again employing the time-lapse video format, Ocupado shows Levy painting a large mural in a once-empty housing complex that had been taken over and squatted by some 120 families in […]
We’ve been big appreciators of Os Gémeos for awhile now — they’ve far outgrown the limiting graffiti artist tag (as they began years ago in São Paolo) and have progressed to the level of pure artist. Since first coming across their dream-like work in Brazil — and being blown away on the spot — I’ve […]
I really like this piece by Sao Paolo street artist Treco, and the time-lapse video by director Rodrigo Piza Levy of him creating it. I wonder what went wrong with the original trunk, why’d he have to change it? I suppose it’s something I’ll never know… DEU TRECO from rodrigo piza levy on Vimeo.
We first became aware of the work of Mark Jenkins during a recent Los Angeles gallery show, where his absurd human-like characters dominated the room. Raised in the scintillating art Mecca of Fairfax, VA, it probably wasn’t too obvious to Jenkins as a child that he’d wind up a renowned artist. But despite his rising […]