For their Autumn Winter 2011 collection Passarella Death Squad have just released a new 3-pack collection of retro arcade-inspired tshirts. Merging the classic 1980s 8-bit games with Passarella’s always sexy bevy of undressed women, the three new tshirts (How high can you get?, Sidestepper, The cave of monsters) are all made in London out of […]
Geeks. Nerds. Freaks. Freaks & Geeks. Simply put: They aren’t popular. We all know that. But does it matter? Or better put, is that necessarily a bad thing? Not according to reporter Alexandra Robbins, who argues that people who are interested in math, science and technology are the future of our nation (bonus points for […]
Sure the guys over at SE Bikes have recently gotten into the Fixie & Single Speed game, but at heart they’re truly BMX junkies through and through. They’ve decided to resurrect their vintage Quad Loops for the USA market, but are decidedly keeping it highly exclusive. Only 150 of the classic black & gold bikes […]
OK, I know Miss Madeleine annihilated Sucker Punch last week with a blisteringly accurate review, but after seeing it this week I just gotta throw in my 2 cents. First off, she’s technically 100% right — the movie was riddled with weakness and flaws: the acting was atrocious (Vanessa Hudgens is a Golden Raspberry frontrunner), […]
Rival Schools return today with their second album Pedals, only a full 10 years after their debut United By Fate. What can you say — guys like to take their time. This is the first vid from the LP, and although you really can’t go wrong with any Walter Schreifels project, this one’s especially promising. […]
In this 176 page book, Tokyo-based authors Ivan Vartanian and Kyoko Wada take a holistic view of Japanese art throughout its 5 millenniums of history and analyze common threads found throughout. See/Saw finds ways to unite such chronologically disparate themes as Giant Robots and ancient Samurai illustrations, or uniting Murakimi’s Superflat school of art with […]
I know what you’re thinking: Ivy League sophistication has always been the key ingredient missing from the world of hiking shoes. Never fear! Now you can walk tall (and balanced) onto campus next semester, because New Balance has announced its redesign of the hiker silhouette (in both mid and low top) for a selection of […]
Created by Vancouver Film School student Patrick Biason, A Gentlemen’s Duel is basically Japanese mech battle anime filtered through a steampunk lens. Great animation, and who doesn’t enjoy one giant robot trading fisticuffs with another giant robot? No one, that’s who.