In case you’ve avoided reading any online articles that had the words “pussy riot” because you thought it was spam or NSFW, let’s catch you up quickly. Pussy Riot! is a Russian punk performance collective and feminist/political activist group. In February 2012 five members staged a protest performance, or “punk prayer”, inside the Cathedral of […]

4 Mar
The Futurist and Godfather of Singularity

Transcendent Man, the documentary on the life and ideas of fearless Futurist and Singularity visionary Ray Kurzweil’s has been uploaded to YouTube for all to see. Directed by filmmaker Barry Ptolemy, the doc follows the millionaire inventor and best selling author of The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology as he promotes his book […]

18 Feb
Director takes the TED stage to explain his world view

We were big supporters of Neill Blomkamp’s directorial debut District 9, but lacking the sort of intellectual gravitas of most of TED‘s lecturers I wondered if he was out of his league at the Vancouver conference. Asked whether he believed aliens would really look like the creatures he imagined in District 9, Blomkamp used the […]