Parenting skills and pretentious film references can finally co-exist. If your Netflix categories and babysitting endeavors just aren’t lining up, now there’s a solution out there for those little tykes who would’ve otherwise been traumatized by your buzzkill Criterion Collection picks. Because artist and pop-culture nerd Todd Spence has created the Bleak Movies Coloring Book, something that is appropriate […]
Coloring outside the plot (& taste) lines for the whole family
San Francisco blues rock at its simple best
The four guys in San Francisco’s The Stone Foxes play the sort of stripped down, roots rock n roll that has all but disappeared from the musical landscape. It’s dirty, gritty and loud, with tracks like “I Killed Robert Johnson” loaded with foot-stomping hooks and irresistible, sing-along choruses. Much like Creedence Clearwater Revival, it’s hard […]