Japanese toymaker Takara Tomy have collided worlds by transforming a Transformer into a masterpiece toy. If you’re wondering what the narrative behind such a thing could be, well it starts a little something like this: “The Angels are invading. Breaking a long silence, the mysterious life-forms known as the Angels suddenly appear”. More on the story […]
Takara Tomy x Neon Genesis Evangelion x Transformers
Transformers Cap Bots in Autobot & Decepticon models
While the highly CGI’ed and hyper-detailed Transformers from the Michael Bay franchise movies may be the mainstream, it is the old school blocky robots that really tickle our nostalgic reveries. Which is why we were excited about The Loyal Subjects’ Transformers Generation 1 T-Shirt Collection. It seems TLS aren’t the only kids fiending for their […]