2 Feb
Utilitarian boot with comfort, endurance & design

New York-bred Leffot has updated Alden‘s Indy 405C classic work boot by adding a beefier Commando sole, making it even better suited for colder climates and the icey world that they breed. The gripping soles are combined with the San Francisco company’s gorgeous rich mahogany cowhide — a sturdy collaboration available at Leffot for $480.

7 Oct
UK builder aims for thrilling, visceral & dangerous production

Founded in the UK in 1958 by four brothers, Ginetta has mostly existed since as a kit car and one-off race car builder. While it has gone through various phases of inactivity, after new ownership purchased the brand in 2005 Ginetta has been focused on making about 300 cars a year. Now Ginetta announce the […]

29 Mar
Part Two in the lost history of a pop-fashion machine

This is Volume II of Lo Pan’s History of tokidoki (read vol I from Friday), the story behind one of the most prolific pop fashion lines of the decade. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld vinyl figures, ubiquitous LeSportsac handbag collection, and Cactus Friends plush toys — not to mention all their wide-ranging Sanrio […]

26 Mar
Part One in the lost history of a pop-fashion machine

Tokidoki is a Japanese word whose etymology is, for the most part, vague. The definition can flip from “sometimes” to “constantly”, although the latter’s more appropriate when applied to the flourishing pop-fashion brand tokidoki, as its proprietors are always in motion. Their output is prolific, their hustle grand. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld […]