4 Jul
Sure Bear Hands has some issues with our bullshit, but they still want to celebrate the 4th of July with all y'all

In honor of America’s birthday (‘MURICA’S NUMBER 1 MOTHERF*CKERS), post-punk/experimentalists Bear Hands have released a 12-minute video containing 3 songs titled Songs from Utopia Volume 1  — a collection of “quasi-political thought pieces” (tracklist below). The EP serves as a manifestation and recognition of urban consciousness, a collection of aware, outspoken songs regarding what the […]

23 Jun
Jona Becholt & Claire Evans release first videos for "Shangri-La"

At the beginning of the month we posted YACHT’s Fly On, UFO mixtape, and it turned out to be incredibly popular with the ladies. Who knew they liked their sci-fi tinged disco mixes so much? The mixtape was in preparation for YACHT’s brand new album Shangri-La, the latest volley from the inimitable DFA Records — […]