Privilege lifestyle brand is dropping their newest in vaporizers, the e-Hookah. What is the point of the e-Hookah? Perhaps not something for a party of five to puff at while chomping on a mezza plate. Nor is it something that would butterfly the caterpillar right off his shroom-rest (or then again, maybe it is). But it […]
What's new in rechargeable vaporizers
Really? You need further explanation?
If you want to know what Diplo would play if he got really baked and got on the turntables at your house, all buzzed out and lazy like, now you know. Wait hold up Wes, stop bogarting the decks — and where in hell did I leave that vaporizer…? Did anyone else realize just how […]
Matte black, stainless steel & sure to light up your favorite green
So you’re going to be a demi-god at the next rave amongst all the sixteen year olds in hot panties and go-go boots when you pull out the Stealthvape. It’s matte black, mistakeable for a limited edition Vicks Vapor Inhaler, under 4″ long and sure to steal a discrete hit while illuminating the butterfly-winged multitudes and […]