Who doesn’t want an edible human skull hand-made to order? Now that would be a delicacy — a fine, bone-grind of a cannibal’s dessert. Made from a mould that was hand cast from a real human skull, never you mind what crime scene made such a thing possible in the first place. Become your own personal […]
Become your own personal (milk chocolate) Hamlet
Unreleased remixes, mash-ups & originals to keep you sated
Much beloved Echo Park trio Mansions On The Moon released their Paradise Falls mixtape and boy does it live up to the hype. Having already collaborated with N*E*R*D, Willy Joy, Xaphoon Jones (Chiddy Bang, who are playing our party next Tuesday) and Diplo and DJ Benzi — who mixed the set — their heavily harmonized […]
Happy Friday world!
There are plenty of reasons why I pray print magazines don’t die the languishing, agonizing death of the newspaper, and one of them is V magazine. They feature two great shoots in their just-released November V62 issue — the first a post-modern ode to the classic swimsuit-clad pin-up model shot by Willy Vanderperre. It stars […]