26 Jun
Space Invader Solo Show Too


French artist Invader’s show starts tomorrow at the Jonathan Levine gallery (opening reception from 7pm—9pm) and runs through July 25th. There’s absolutely nothing about an 8-bit world that doesn’t speak to me. I was born in the ‘70s. I played the fuck out of Space Invaders. Like blisters on my fingers crazy. Yes, I remember when Atari first came out. I was obsessed with the Rubik Cube too. How could I not love Invader’s work too? Even better, the title for this new show, “Top Ten” comes from the music side of things. Specifically the top ten album covers according to the artist. I’d love to see what he thinks they are. The video gives up two of them. It should be a treat if you’re in NYC.

Here’s a tune to get you in an 8-bit mood…

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