14 Sep
Even the book's cover can even be transformed into a paper airplane hangar


One of my greatest memories as a kid would have to be from a paper airplane I made in 5th or 6th grade. I was walking to school with my friend Joey. We were competing with each other to see whose paper airplane could stay in the air the longest. We’d fold up a plane and let each of ours go at the same time. Normally, they’d fly a few feet and do a nosedive straight into the ground, or go straight up and straight down like a rocket or instantly hit a barrel roll and never recover. We’d do this about a dozen times between home and school. Fold up a plane, throw it, fold up another one, and throw it. Occasionally we’d make a decent one and the flight wouldn’t end as tragically as normal attempts. Until one magical time… The creases in my paper must have been perfect, my wrist must have snapped just right as the plane left my fingertips and the wind at my back must have had the slightest updraft because my paper airplane stayed in the air for what seemed like a world record time. It was like a dream really. There I was just running under the plane as it hovered a few feet above my head into the wild blue yonder. Every time I think about that day it puts a smile on my face.

I haven’t flipped through Klara Hobza’s book, The New Millennium Paper Airplane, but just the thought of it has me thinking about that super awesome day. I haven’t been able to recreate that magical flight since it happened (and I still try to from time to time), but maybe there’s something in this book that’ll help make that dream come back to life. Each page of the book is designed to be torn out and folded into a paper airplane. A complete list of step-by-step folding instructions is also included, so you can remake your favorites. Even the book’s cover can even be transformed into a paper airplane hangar. The book is out now via Public Art Fund and at $15.95 it sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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