18 Oct
Liesbet Bussche's utterly creative street art

Talk about bold jewelry, Belgian designer and street artist Liesbeth Bussche has completed a unique project to add a little glamour to the streets of Amsterdam by replicating jewelry pieces from industrial items found around town. Some of the pieces she has created are post earrings made of concrete balls, a best friends pendent or a name plate hanging off a chain link fence, and clasps added to caution ropes so they resemble a statement bracelet you’d wear out. Everyone is always on the look out for the next innovative idea in the world of street art, and Bussche has creatively and defiantly added some flare to the concept. The showcase was part of Bussche’s graduation show from art school in Amsterdam — we’ll jut have to wait and see what she can come up with next as a post grad, but she’s off to a great start.

One Response to “Urban Street Jewelry Glams Up Amsterdam”

  1. […] Urban street jewelry comes to Amsterdam; we can’t wait until this is done in NY. (Lostinasupermarket) […]

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