Wow — who would’ve thunk it? Already the 50th volume in our beloved and illustrious Because We Love You Series, and who better to knock it out than homegrown Los Angeles photographer Estevan Oriol. We’ve shown some of Oriol’s work before, including when we interviewed him for the coffee table book counterpart to this aptly titled LA Woman project. The man has a way with the lens, and capturing the spirit and sexuality of the wide variety of women that inhabit the City of Angels. HIs calender for 2012 does just that —although it tends to hover more in the overt hotness factor than his LA Woman book did. But I guess in a calender aesthetic nudity may be preferred more than in book form. According to Oriol himself, however, looks aren’t necessarily the primary consideration when choosing a model. “For me they can’t just be beautiful they have to have sex appeal,” he explains. “Right when I see them I can see that I would be able to take good pictures of them.” Fair enough. Shooting nearly naked Latina and Asian models all day has got to be grueling labor, so keep up the good work Estevan and make sure we get a copy.
Hit the Jump to see another considerably more NSFW gallery from Estevan Oriol’s 2012 Calender, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook while you’re at it…