Guillermo Del Toro's sci-fi "kaiju" thriller
We’ve been waiting for the trailer for Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim since rumors first surfaced that the stellar Mexican director was working on a giant robot sci-fi film. That long wait comes to an end this morning. In the film Earth is attacked by the famed Godzilla-like kaiju or “giant monsters” that have snuck in to this dimension via an underwater portal. The Earth’s only defense are — you guessed it — giant Gundam-like robots called Jaegers. Featuring Del Toro’s superlative creature design (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy, etc), Pacific Rim looks like it could be one of the best films of 2013.
[…] month, in a fit of giddy nerd exaltation we showed you the trailer for the upcoming mech film Pacific Rim — aka When Giant Robots And Giant Monsters Battle To the Death. Today the latest trailer for what looks to be another Guillermo Del Toro triumph was released at […]
[…] in (post) production that we are more amped up for than Pacific Rim. We’ve already shown the first trailer, as well as the CES extended trailer, and now it’s time for Part III. In case you don’t […]
[…] latest, and each trailer seems to get better and better (check out the previously posted first trailer, CES extended trailer and Wondercon trailer). Pacific Rim hits theaters — and every nerd’s […]