While it’s nice and quaint to see a mobile phone that concentrates on being an actual voice communication device instead of an all powerful handheld work station, this $60,000 (€42,000) 18K phone from Aesir needs to do a hell of a lot more than shine pretty and have crystal clear communications for that price. I […]
Do you want to convert your Apple iPad into the greatest piece of DJ equipment ever known to mankind (R.I.P. Technics)? Well good luck, that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon. What we may have very soon, however, is a passable replica. Software maker Algoriddim is allegedly converting their popular djay app for Mac to the […]
Leaders of the Pixel Art movement, Berlin’s eBoy collective constantly impress with their design work (remember their Amnesty poster?). Even tho their art is pixel-based and inherently digital, ironically most of their work is enjoyed traditionally printed on posters, bags, books, skins, ads, etc. Well now that’s about to change as the eBoys dump their […]
Phaidon is among the premier art book publishing houses, especially in the realm of design, so you know this App has got to kick some serious ass. The Phaidon Design Classics for iPad is a comprehensive Design encylopedia now available for $20 at the App Store for a limited time only. As they describe, “This […]
The Gucci Icon-Temporary pop-up store opened up to the public on October 24 in New York City at 43 Crosby Street and will be open for the rest of the week, and will then will go on a semi-world tour to Miami on December 1st (ostensibly for Art Basel), and then London and Tokyo in […]
Sure, this might not be as cool as the iSnort App, but you can still be the life of the party. Forget your blow horn at home? Deleted your gunshot sample from your MacBook accidentally? No worries! Diplo’s here to save the day, offering all the annoying DJ party tools in one convenient application. (Download […]