Conquest Vehicles made quite a splash last year when they introduced the ever-so-subtle Knight XV Luxury Bulletproof SUV, and they figured it was time to double down on obnoxious indulgence. Their latest monstrosity offering, the Conquest Evade, is based on the Ford F-550 Super Duty and is loaded with the same sort of armoring and […]
$579,000 worth of bulletproof Fuck You! to the 99%
When you absolutely must tow your yacht in armored security
Headline-grabbing Russian tuners and armored car manufacturers Dartz unveil their latest vehicle for the obesely wealthy, the Prombron Nagel. What set’s the Prombron Nagel apart from all other cars is that it’s the “world’s first armored Sportback” with enough power to pull a five-ton, 15-meter (50-foot) boat — achievable due to Datz’s claim of a […]
Move, bitch, get out the way
If you ever owned a Hummer and thought to yourself, “Self, I like this truck — a lot — but I wonder, is there a more obnoxious truck I could drive? I mean, is there something even bigger than aUnimog I can shuttle around town whilst crushing puny Priusi underwheel?” If so, then Conquest Vehicles‘ […]