4 Feb
Brazil's Davi De Melo Santos world of magical realism

Forget Alice’s adventures. Leave behind those tiny luminous illustrations of Dr. Seuss. We’ve found the real magical world of Wonderland and verisimilitude right in the tip of a spray can belonging to Brazilian street artist DMS (Davi De Melo Santos). With surreal faces that melt and mold around outdoor switch boxes, awkward building creases and trash piles, […]

18 Apr
Rizzoli's commemorative tome for the retailer extraordinaire

Rizzoli — publishers of the M.I.A. Collage Book — have teamed up with retailer extraordinaire Opening Ceremony to celebrate the boutique’s ten year anniversary by publishing a large format hardcover book to be released on September 4th: “[The book] includes original photography by Terry Richardson, ‘zine inserts by Chloë Sevigny and Spike Jonze, and memories […]