15 Jun
Guy Laramee's waves, mountains & caves in tome form

Guy Laramee has recently completed a series of sculptures in which he transforms tomes into incredible, vast, highly detailed landscape topographical features. Some of the sculptures are part of his project, Guan Yin, which is dedicated to the forces “that enable individuals to endure grief and pain”. Click through the Gallery below to see how […]

Each log bowl, designed and created by Loyal Loot, is hand made from beginning to end — everything from hand selected logs found from naturally fallen trees, to the actual carving done by local crafts people. But fret not greenies, each log used is either found from trees that have been cut down from landscaping […]

14 Dec
UK artist Ben Turnbull mixes childhood tropes with American violence

Raised and working out of London, artist Ben Turnbull has dedicated his creativity to childhood nostalgia, mixing iconic toys and figures with the dark truth of American violence. Some of his artwork consists of gumball machines filled with weapons, or comic book heroes holding the decapitated heads of dictators the American government has sacrificed lives […]