A screwdriver that is simultaneously a corkscrew, cordless and electric powered. Because what goes better with heavy drinking than power tools — perfectly natural bed buddies. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve knocked back a couple bottles of pinot noir and hankered for a power drill to check off some quick home improvements. […]

11 Mar
Put a cork in it... or two... or actually, three. Put three corks in it.

This new corker makes it clear that industrial designer Sebastian Burke encourages putting away multiple bottles of wine. As you know by now, we support any design that encourages heavy wine consumption. Its design stems from the concept that each new bottle-twist will be tomorrow’s wineglass past, ultimately a cork of nostalgia for other pourings. […]

7 Jan
J. Crew's fine leather case to protect your most valuable booze

How can you judge the reputation of a UK leather goods label? When they’ve crafted world-class accessories —  luggage, equestrian and travel — for the likes of James Bond and a little known matriarch who’s referred to as Her Majesty the Queen. Famed British leather makers Swaine Adeney Brigg team up with American apparel powerhouse […]

31 Aug
Picnic Backpack with blanket, cutting board, wine holder, corkscrew, flatware, salt & pepper shakers, cooler...

Back in May we brought you that with Moore & Giles Picnic Bag, and although that Waxwear Tote was nice and all, it really doesn’t compare to this fully equipped lightweight picnic backpack for four. Not only is it highly organized and fully compartmentalized, but it also includes a kitchenette worthy bevy of accouterments: corkscrew, […]