We featured Taschen’s up-and-coming books on fashion game-changers Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo a little while back. Now, Taschen celebrates a hundred years worth of fashion’s greatest idols — from Balenciaga and Chanel to the great McQueen and Westwood. Coming straight from the permanent collection of The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, this […]

20 May
1 camera + 37 masturbating women = A voyeur’s dream come true

Toronto photographer Will Santillo and author/editor Dian Hanson collaborated on a collection of stories and photographs detailing the intimate, candid and often erotic thoughts of women and masturbation. For their 208-page hardcover La Petite Mort, Hanson interviewed 37 females who opened their doors to her — and their legs to Santillo — in an effort […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI, vol VII, vol. VIII vol IX, vol X and vol XI) Over the last month a few people have started to ask me things like: “When’s the new Bureaucracy for Breakfast coming?!” or: “Where’s the new blog? I’m waiting!” I’m sure […]

Yesterday internet goliath Google unveiled its Boutiques website – a new portal dedicated specifically for shopping fashion items. As the second largest sector of online shopping (after consumer electronics), it really was only a matter of time till our Internet Overlords dipped their toes into the market of soft goods. As the LA Times reports: […]

14 Nov
Opening TONIGHT and running till May 3rd, come see the most expansive exhibition in MOCA's history

At first glance it seems fairly overwhelming  when considering the works that MOCA has collected and assembled over the last 30 years. And tonight they open a retrospective exhibition, proudly boasting one of the most expansive and influential Post-War collections in the world including Jasper Johns, Willem De Kooning, Jackson Pollack, Alberto Giacometti, Franz Kline, […]