We featured Taschen’s up-and-coming books on fashion game-changers Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo a little while back. Now, Taschen celebrates a hundred years worth of fashion’s greatest idols — from Balenciaga and Chanel to the great McQueen and Westwood. Coming straight from the permanent collection of The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, this […]
Toronto photographer Will Santillo and author/editor Dian Hanson collaborated on a collection of stories and photographs detailing the intimate, candid and often erotic thoughts of women and masturbation. For their 208-page hardcover La Petite Mort, Hanson interviewed 37 females who opened their doors to her — and their legs to Santillo — in an effort […]
The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I, vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V, vol VI, vol VII, vol. VIII vol IX, vol X and vol XI) Over the last month a few people have started to ask me things like: “When’s the new Bureaucracy for Breakfast coming?!” or: “Where’s the new blog? I’m waiting!” I’m sure […]
Yesterday internet goliath Google unveiled its Boutiques website – a new portal dedicated specifically for shopping fashion items. As the second largest sector of online shopping (after consumer electronics), it really was only a matter of time till our Internet Overlords dipped their toes into the market of soft goods. As the LA Times reports: […]
At first glance it seems fairly overwhelming when considering the works that MOCA has collected and assembled over the last 30 years. And tonight they open a retrospective exhibition, proudly boasting one of the most expansive and influential Post-War collections in the world including Jasper Johns, Willem De Kooning, Jackson Pollack, Alberto Giacometti, Franz Kline, […]