If you’ve ever been embarrassed about carrying around all your crap in a pocket envelope, well, now you can spend your hard earned cash to have a real wallet that just looks like an envelope. An airmail envelope, to be specific. The Mighty Wallet is made from indestructible Tyvek — the material from FedEx envelopes […]
If you want a constant reminder of snail mail
For adult toy collectors and fans of Gloomy the Bear, the creator Mori Chack has put a new spin on this original character. A little bit of a background story for those of you who are not to familiar with Gloomy: he’s an abandoned bear left to fend for himself in the wild. But then […]
Security Wizard's Nylon Cord Wrapped Brass Knuckle Buckle
Imagine yourself walking down a dark alley, late at night. Suddenly, some menacing hoodied figure approaches asking you for some nylon cording cause his shoelace broke. You’d be helpless — no nylon cord to offer him ad hoc shoelaces, and no weapon to defend yourself if he was up to any funny business. Security Wizard […]