OK before you get all up in a foaming tizzy, we’re not implying that Woody Allen date raping anyone is fucking awesome. Dude is funny, but let’s face it he’s creepier than Dov Charney in a Speedo. The makers of said tshirt are called Fucking Awesome, because they can pretty much call themselves whatever they […]
AKA How to get kicked out of class really, really quickly
Fashion, Food and Beverage, Music, Odds / Ends, Politix Ditto, Read / Look / Listen, Style / Design, Technology, Video
When two pervs collide
The beauty of Rick Klotz is that he makes Dov Charney look like a Jesuit Tea Party abstinence spokesman. And that truly is saying a lot. Enjoy the “Warriors Of Radness” video… California Girls from Warriors of Radness on Vimeo. California Girls from Warriors of Radness on Vimeo.
So how do I nominate Dov Charney for a Nobel Peace Prize?
You have to hand it to Dov Charney — the guy knows how to sell tshirts. Homeboy’s made a fortune selling the same v-necks and tights you can buy at any swap meet, but he’s mastered the age-old formula of associating your product with hot, half-naked chicks and, Presto blammo! your shit is flying off […]