The Modernist is another edition to Gestalten’s collected body of books that “document and anticipate vital movements in design, illustration, architecture, and typography as well as urban and contemporary design.” The book is a collection of work in contemporary graphic design and illustration that is heavily influenced by classic modernism, usually created with a limited […]
James Jarvis’ classic soft vinyl toy now gets transformed… into pillow form. King Ken, the noble creation of Amos, likes rambling and wrestling, which is good for you cos this King Ken head is a 40cm x 35cm cushion. Only 400 will be made under license of Säck und Nolde. Go apesh*t for under $50.
Creepy and beautiful sculptures modeled after vintage porcelain statues akin to those you might find in grandma’s glass cabinet, except with a most macabre twist. These mutilated ladies have suffered quite the wounding, some with decapitated heads, slit necks, exposed brains, spilled entrails and even plucking out their own eyes. Ouch. Created by British artist […]
Created by animator John Leo, this is a CGI video of Darth Vader doing Tai Chi — specifically the 42 Movement Sword Form. Seeing as “Chi” is the Chinese word meaning “life force” — the energy created by all living beings — the link with Star Wars is especially salient. Yes, the video’s a bit […]